WhatsApp Aero v9.22 Latest Version Apk Download

Download WhatsApp Aero V9.22 Latest Version Apk

📆 16/02/2022

Features oF AERO WhatsApp V9.22:

🔨 Fixed "Profile details design" crash.
🔨 Fixed "FM Design - Aero IOS X 3 (IG)" and "FM Design - Aero IOS X 4 (IG)" styles background bugs.
🔨 Fixed some language errors.
🔨 Fixed some icons.
🔨 Fixed random crashes with clone package names.
🔨 Fixed unable to enter the business profile from time to time when using Aero profile details designs.

Changelog V9.21:

🍂 WhatsApp base version updated to

🍃 Added "Save to Gallery" option when media visibility is turned off.

🍃 Added sending encrypted messages feature and new options for encrypted messages (Aero Privileges 》 Conversation Screen 》 Enable message encryption).

🍃 Added new customization options for toast notifications (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Toast notification customizations).

☑️ Enabled: New contact profile UI design.
☑️ Enabled: Disappearing messages more options (24 hours, 7 days, 90 days).

🍃 Re-Added: In-App translation.

🍃 Added option to switch translation mode between in-app or Google Translate app (Aero Privileges 》 Conversation Screen 》 Translation Option).

🍃 Added option to show total message count in "View All X Messages" screen.

🍃 Added buttons to scroll to bottom (newest) and top (oldest) message in "View All X Messages" screen.

🍃 Added clear option for backups. Now you can delete all your old backups. More space saving. (Aero Privileges 》 Universal 》 Backup And Restore 》 Clear).

🍃 Added new advanced home screen styles (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Header 》 Advanced home screen styles).
Added items:
1- FM Design - Bubble V2
2- FM Design - Reverse
3- FM Design - Aero IOS X 3 (IG)
4- FM Design - Aero IOS X 4 (IG)

🍃 Added new bottom bar style (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Header 》 Bottom bar style).
Added item:
1- RC - Material

🍃 Added new quick menu. When you tap your profile picture on most home screen styles with profile pictures, you will now see a different menu.

🍃 Added new options for quick menu (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Header 》 Quick options menu).

🍃 Added new options to archived chats row design (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Rows 》 Card design for archived row).
Added items:
1- Card style V2
2- Card style V3

🍃 Added new customization options to "Card style V2" for archived chats row. (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Rows 》 "Archived" row).

🔨 Fixed Aero backup folder taking big storage space bug.
🔨 Fixed widget opens without app lock bug.
🔨 Fixed calling by phone call option giving wrong number sometimes bug.
🔨 Fixed in-app translation crash bug when no internet.
🔨 Fixed "View All X Messages" not working for big groups.
🔨 Fixed some design bugs.

The Ultimate Guide to Download Aero WhatsApp

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com.aero : Download

com.aerolla : Download

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